When Chiron appeared in the consciousness of astrologers back in 1977, he was embraced with surprising receptivity for such a new, undefined object. Oddly, now with more than a score of Centaurs, including six named ones, astrologers seem reluctant to invite them into their interpretive realm. Chiron initially received attention as a master healer, coming to light at a time of great surges forward in the natural products, health food industries. His need to end the sense of a painful, unbearable life offered a metaphor of improving quality of life by pursuing urges of the soul. And the other Centaurs like Chiron, offer healing solutions to society's increasingly complex social problems. Why not include them?
Instead of debating the issue, here are some suggestions for applying the astrological signatures of the named Centaurs. Each named Centaur offers a ceremonial platform for restoring part of one=s lost, basic nature. In a time when technology, the Internet and electronic obsessions reduce a healthy sense of humanity, the Centaurs appear to ground people back into their senses - the strongest being the sense of smell, Centaurs inspire us all to use the five basic senses to the fullest of their potential. Listen to what's going on. Sniff out the cues of life. On a psychological level the Centaurs insist upon restoring a basic, instinctive nature unedited by mental gymnastics. A question they pose is: "Yeah, but what would you do if you could do anything?" Troubling? Perhaps, but recall that the Centaurian agenda is to heal social maladies, not create them.
Following are considerations for the nature, method and use of the named Centaurs:
Below is an excerpt from my Centaur ephemeris based upon North Node and Perihelion degrees. Please realize that should orbital parameters change significantly, the interpretations may shift as the signs and degrees of the Node and Perihelion adjust to the refinement of the data.
1994TA - The need to assert one's accomplishments in the interest of recognition.
������ Positive: sense of self accomplishment, legacy oriented, a mentor.
������ Negative: solicitousness, bragging, indiscriminate flirting.
1995SN55 - Urge to establish self value regardless of relationship status.
������ Positive: Warm, supportive, nurturing in one to one relationship.
������ Negative: Needy, self centered to a fault, showcase relationships.1996 RX33 - A balance of individuality for the purpose of soul fulfillment, regardless of ego.
������ Positive: Confident and self assured in expressing uniqueness and ingenuity.
������ Negative: Cranky weird, contentious, highly rebellious.1998BU48 - Value of self regardless of success.
������ Positive: Confident in professional pursuits. Comfortable with money.
������ Negative: Flaunting success and materialism.1998QM107 - Balancing emotional ego as a function of professional status.
������ Positive: Giving, nurturing and sharing to and with coworkers with extraordinary capacities.
������ Negative: Demanding, infantile in work relationships, flaunts social status as a result of accomplishments, showcases with past laurels .1998SG35 - Need and ability to heal ego by overcoming criticisms, both self imposed and external.
������ Positive: Clarity, impeccability and loyalty to personal and emotional needs, praising, complimentary.
������ Negative: Critical, judgment, condemning both of others and self, defaming, blasphemous, solicitous.1998TF35 - Value, self worth, economic freedom.
������ Positive: Wealthy eccentric, affluent and generous.
������ Negative: Selfish, demanding, greedy.1999HD12 - Integration of male and female attributes.
������ Positive: Acceptance of both genders, responsive to praise.
������ Negative: Self esteem due to relationship, extreme criticism of loved ones. Conflict between the sexes.1999JV127 - Primal sense of self.
������ Positive: Confidence in raw talents. Self assured nurturing instincts.
������ Negative: Overly subconscious in motivations. Subjective and projective. Extremely protective.1999OX3 - Self confidence from the school of life.
������ Positive: Healthy street smarts, learns vicariously, savors lessons.
������ Negative: Sour grapes attitude about life's hand, cynical, negative projection toward future outcomes.1999UG5 - Expression of self and ego through word and writing.
������ Positive: Excellent communication, articulate, precise.
������ Negative: Verbose, boastful, shallow in conversation.1999XX143 - Balance of individuality within domestic environment. Doing it for family to the extreme.
������ Positive: Feeling accepted by family and close friends.
������ Negative: Portraying black sheep image. Isolated and sullen at home.2000CO104 - Emotional intensity, passionate creativity, inspirational capacity.
������ Positive: Uplifting, stimulating, infinitely artistic and creative.
������ Negative: Addicted to emotional drama, emotionally controlling and manipulative.2000EC98 - Cosmic picture vs. detail orientation. Abstract logic vs linear logic.
������ Positive: Balanced perspective of overviews combined with essential detail.
������ Negative: Picky, judgmental, cantankerously weird, ungrounded.2000FZ53 - Relationship attachment. Ability to negotiate relationship conflicts.
������ Positive: Clarity in relationship communication. Honest, direct, self assured in interactions.
������ Negative: Clingy, dependent, holds back on communication based upon perceived reactions.2000GM137 - Extreme inquisitiveness and cat-like curiosity. Relationship communication clarity.
������ Positive: Questioning and open minded.
������ Negative: Overly scrutinizing specializing in Pandora's box scenarios.---------------------------
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