There are a great many Centaurs to explore, and each one is being studied by astrologers worldwide. But with so many bodies, what relationship do they have to each other? Are there some Centaurs that work in partnership with others? Are there different classes of Centaurs? And are Centaurs with similar orbital characteristics somehow similar in astrological meaning?And what about Centaurs that share some elements with other bodies in our solar they have anything in common astrologically?
On this page are several tables, each one grouping the Centaurs by a particular characteristic. In the tables, I have also included Planets, Dwarf Planets, Plutino's, Damocloids, Cubewanos, Scattered Disk Objects, and other bodies out past Neptune/Pluto. I've even included Halley's Comet! Do Centaurs who share orbital traits with one of these bodies also share astrological traits?
Look over each list. Does something jump out at you? Does your intuition reveal something hidden there? Or do you have a suggestion for an additional table to add to this page? If so, by all means drop me a line!
PERIHELION: the closest a body gets to the Sun. Perhaps at this point the body's influence is the strongest, or most concentrated? Or perhaps, the most subjective or personal? Distances are measured in AU's (Astronomical Units - One AU is equal to the average distance between the Sun and Earth or about 93 million miles.)
Name or Number | Prov. Des. | Perihelion |
MERCURY | 0.31 | |
HALLEY'S COMET | 0.586 | |
VENUS | 0.72 | |
EARTH | 0.98 | |
MARS | 1.38 | |
#5335 DAMOCLES | 1.58 | |
#944 HIDALGO | 1.951 | |
#1 CERES | 2.5468 | |
JUPITER | 4.95 | |
#52872 OKYRHOE | 1998 SG35 | 5.799 |
#60558 ECHECLUS | 2000 EC98 | 5.858 |
#8405 ASBOLUS | 1995 GO | 6.843 |
#63252 | 2001 BL41 | 6.9 |
#31824 ELATUS | 1999 UG5 | 7.248 |
#145486 | 2005 UJ438 | 8.25 |
#2060 CHIRON | 1977 UB | 8.5114 |
#32532 THEREUS | 2001 PT13 | 8.516 |
#5145 PHOLUS | 1992 AD | 8.73 |
SATURN | 9.01 | |
#148975 | 2001 XA255 | 9.35 |
#121725 | 1999 XX143 | 9.62 |
#120061 | 2003 CO1 | 10.93 |
Pylenor | 1994 TA | 11.644 |
#7066 NESSUS | 1993 HA2 | 11.826 |
#29981 | 1999 TD10 | 12.27 |
#10199 CHARIKLO | 1997 CU26 | 13.08 |
#54598 BIENOR | 2000 QC243 | 13.218 |
#73480 | 2002 PN34 | 13.33 |
#83982 CRANTOR | 2002 GO9 | 14.063 |
#187661 | 2007 JG43 | 14.28 |
#119315 | 2001 SQ73 | 14.35 |
#119976 | 2002 VR130 | 14.73 |
#136204 | 2003 WL7 | 14.95 |
#55576 AMYCUS | 2002 GB10 | 15.205 |
#87555 | 2000 QB243 | 15.24 |
#52975 CYLLARUS | 1998 TF35 | 16.206 |
#49036 PELION | 1998 QM107 | 17.285 |
#42355 TYPHON | 2002 CR46 | 17.518 |
#44594 | 1999 OX3 | 17.63 |
#65489 CETO | 2003 FX128 | 17.795 |
#95626 | 2002 GZ32 | 18.03 |
URANUS | 18.28 | |
#10370 HYLONOME | 1995 DW2 | 18.915 |
#88269 | 2001 KF77 | 19.81 |
#33128 | 1998 BU48 | 20.55 |
#87269 | 2000 OO67 | 20.77 |
#127546 | 2002 XU93 | 20.98 |
#149560 | 2003 QZ91 | 21.784 |
#60608 | 2000 EE173 | 22.59 |
#160427 | 2005 RL43 | 23.43 |
#38628 HUYA | 28.52 | |
#54520 | 2000 PJ30 | 28.63 |
PLUTO | 29.6 | |
NEPTUNE | 29.8 | |
#28978 IXION | 30.091 | |
#90482 ORCUS | 30.27 | |
#91554 | 1999 RZ215 | 30.94 |
#69988 | 1998 WA31 | 31.473 |
#26375 | 1999 DE9 | 32.324 |
#82155 | 2001 FZ173 | 32.41 |
#136120 | 2003 LG7 | 32.445 |
#143707 | 2003 UY117 | 32.462 |
#38084 | 1999 HB12 | 32.563 |
#183964 | 2004 DJ71 | 32.732 |
#145474 | 2005 SA278 | 33.05 |
#60621 | 2000 FE8 | 33.069 |
#95625 | 2002 GX32 | 33.14 |
#38083 RHADAMANTHUS | 33.205 | |
#225088 | 2007 OR10 | 33.62 |
#82158 | 2001 FP185 | 34.26 |
#160148 | 2001 KV76 | 34.329 |
#136108 HAUMEA | 34.721 | |
#15874 | 1996 TL66 | 35.01 |
#145451 | 2005 RM43 | 35.1 |
#119878 | 2002 CY224 | 35.28 |
#184212 | 2004 PB112 | 35.35 |
#60458 | 2000 CM114 | 35.415 |
#119068 | 2001 KC77 | 35.418 |
#135571 | 2002 GG32 | 35.83 |
#131696 | 2001 XT254 | 35.88 |
#182223 | 2000 YC2 | 35.978 |
#42301 | 2001 UR163 | 36.76 |
#181867 | 1999 CV118 | 37.44 |
#181902 | 1999 RD215 | 37.56 |
#134210 | 2005 PQ21 | 37.624 |
#229762 | 2007 UK126 | 37.65 |
#136199 ERIS | 2003 UB313 | 37.77 |
#126619 | 2002 CX154 | 37.993 |
#182933 | 2002 GZ31 | 38.259 |
#26181 | 1996 GQ21 | 38.29 |
#136472 MAKEMAKE | 38.509 | |
#84522 | 2002 TC302 | 39.04 |
#79978 | 1999 CC158 | 39.108 |
#118702 | 2000 OM67 | 39.16 |
#181874 | 1999 HW11 | 39.209 |
#182397 | 2001 QW297 | 39.727 |
#58534 LOGOS | 39.945 | |
#48639 | 1995 TL8 | 39.98 |
#66652 BORASISI | 39.982 | |
#20000 VARUNA | 40.494 | |
#15760 | 15760 Albion (1992 QB1) | 40.8754 |
#19521 CHAOS | 40.929 | |
#82075 | 2000 YW134 | 41.07 |
#53311 DEUCALION | 41.579 | |
#50000 QUAOAR | 41.695 | |
#88611 TEHARONHIAWAKO | 42.899 | |
#148209 | 2000 CR105 | 44.19 |
#145480 | 2005 TB190 | 46.21 |
#90377 SEDNA | 2003 VB12 | 76.361 |
APHELION:the furthest a body gets from the Sun. Is its influence weakest here? Or perhaps, most objective, or most oriented toward the universal? (Distance measured in AU's, just as Perihelia.)
Name or Number | Prov. Des. | Aphelion |
MERCURY | 0.47 | |
VENUS | 0.73 | |
EARTH | 1.02 | |
MARS | 1.67 | |
#1 CERES | 2.9858 | |
JUPITER | 5.45 | |
#944 HIDALGO | 9.539 | |
SATURN | 10.07 | |
#52872 OKYRHOE | 1998 SG35 | 10.934 |
#63252 | 2001 BL41 | 12.62 |
#32532 THEREUS | 2001 PT13 | 12.747 |
#60558 ECHECLUS | 2000 EC98 | 15.687 |
#31824 ELATUS | 1999 UG5 | 16.274 |
#10199 CHARIKLO | 1997 CU26 | 18.66 |
#2060 CHIRON | 1977 UB | 18.891 |
#54598 BIENOR | 2000 QC243 | 19.793 |
URANUS | 20.09 | |
#119315 | 2001 SQ73 | 20.509 |
Pylenor | 1994 TA | 21.814 |
#5335 DAMOCLES | 22.1 | |
#49036 PELION | 1998 QM107 | 22.82 |
#83982 CRANTOR | 2002 GO9 | 24.975 |
#136204 | 2003 WL7 | 25.21 |
#160427 | 2005 RL43 | 25.5 |
#121725 | 1999 XX143 | 26.25 |
#145486 | 2005 UJ438 | 26.8 |
#95626 | 2002 GZ32 | 28.36 |
#8405 ASBOLUS | 1995 GO | 29.31 |
NEPTUNE | 30.32 | |
#120061 | 2003 CO1 | 30.94 |
#10370 HYLONOME | 1995 DW2 | 31.347 |
#5145 PHOLUS | 1992 AD | 31.98 |
#88269 | 2001 KF77 | 32.51 |
#119976 | 2002 VR130 | 32.94 |
#187661 | 2007 JG43 | 33.765 |
#55576 AMYCUS | 2002 GB10 | 35.092 |
HALLEY'S COMET | 35.1 | |
#52975 CYLLARUS | 1998 TF35 | 36.042 |
#7066 NESSUS | 1993 HA2 | 37.483 |
#38083 RHADAMANTHUS | 45.105 | |
#50000 QUAOAR | 45.116 | |
#88611 TEHARONHIAWAKO | 45.28 | |
#20000 VARUNA | 45.313 | |
#33128 | 1998 BU48 | 45.97 |
#15760 | 15760 Albion (1992 QB1) | 46.5925 |
#44594 | 1999 OX3 | 46.85 |
#53311 DEUCALION | 47.157 | |
#90482 ORCUS | 48.07 | |
#66652 BORASISI | 48.164 | |
#73480 | 2002 PN34 | 48.78 |
#28978 IXION | 49.269 | |
PLUTO | 49.3 | |
#19521 CHAOS | 50.269 | |
#38628 HUYA | 50.363 | |
#148975 | 2001 XA255 | 50.58 |
#58534 LOGOS | 50.834 | |
#136108 HAUMEA | 51.544 | |
#136472 MAKEMAKE | 53.074 | |
#87555 | 2000 QB243 | 54.89 |
#42355 TYPHON | 2002 CR46 | 57.688 |
#149560 | 2003 QZ91 | 61.941 |
#182933 | 2002 GZ31 | 62.816 |
#182397 | 2001 QW297 | 64.315 |
#48639 | 1995 TL8 | 65.086 |
#181874 | 1999 HW11 | 66.002 |
#42301 | 2001 UR163 | 66.16 |
#181867 | 1999 CV118 | 67.637 |
#79978 | 1999 CC158 | 68.544 |
#131696 | 2001 XT254 | 69.386 |
#84522 | 2002 TC302 | 71.11 |
#119878 | 2002 CY224 | 72.528 |
#183964 | 2004 DJ71 | 72.729 |
#95625 | 2002 GX32 | 73.731 |
#82075 | 2000 YW134 | 74.027 |
#135571 | 2002 GG32 | 75.153 |
#119068 | 2001 KC77 | 76.001 |
#60608 | 2000 EE173 | 76.56 |
#60621 | 2000 FE8 | 77.126 |
#69988 | 1998 WA31 | 78.179 |
#26375 | 1999 DE9 | 78.987 |
#143707 | 2003 UY117 | 79.559 |
#38084 | 1999 HB12 | 79.895 |
#182223 | 2000 YC2 | 81.327 |
#60458 | 2000 CM114 | 82.903 |
#134210 | 2005 PQ21 | 87.924 |
#136120 | 2003 LG7 | 93.579 |
#136199 ERIS | 2003 UB313 | 97.56 |
#225088 | 2007 OR10 | 100.79 |
#126619 | 2002 CX154 | 103.704 |
#160148 | 2001 KV76 | 105.423 |
#145480 | 2005 TB190 | 106.54 |
#229762 | 2007 UK126 | 110.3 |
#127546 | 2002 XU93 | 112.93 |
#15874 | 1996 TL66 | 132.87 |
#82155 | 2001 FZ173 | 140.92 |
#145451 | 2005 RM43 | 144.54 |
#145474 | 2005 SA278 | 149.84 |
#26181 | 1996 GQ21 | 151.31 |
#118702 | 2000 OM67 | 157.823 |
#91554 | 1999 RZ215 | 173.9 |
#29981 | 1999 TD10 | 178.42 |
#184212 | 2004 PB112 | 179.78 |
#65489 CETO | 2003 FX128 | 182 |
#181902 | 1999 RD215 | 206.23 |
#54520 | 2000 PJ30 | 222.06 |
#148209 | 2000 CR105 | 396.02 |
#82158 | 2001 FP185 | 414.17 |
#90377 SEDNA | 2003 VB12 | 960.78 |
#87269 | 2000 OO67 | 1082.74 |
INCLINATION:The inclination of a planet's orbit is the angle between the plane of its orbit and the ecliptic. At first I thought this could describe how far a body's influence varies from the status quo, until I saw that Uranus, planet of the unconventional, has a very low inclination...much lower than Saturn's. Juan Revilla asks: "How much "skewed" is the orbit's perspective?" Does it mean anything that Chiron's inclination is virtually the same as that of Mercury? What does it mean for Pholus that it is one of the steepest inclinations among the Centaurs?
EARTH | 0 | |
#48639 | 1995 TL8 | 0.2 |
#53311 DEUCALION | 0.4 | |
#131696 | 2001 XT254 | 0.5 |
#66652 BORASISI | 0.6 | |
URANUS | 0.77 | |
#42301 | 2001 UR163 | 0.8 |
#182933 | 2002 GZ31 | 1.1 |
JUPITER | 1.31 | |
NEPTUNE | 1.77 | |
SATURN | 1.77 | |
MARS | 1.85 | |
#42355 TYPHON | 2002 CR46 | 2.4 |
#44594 | 1999 OX3 | 2.6 |
#88611 TEHARONHIAWAKO | 2.6 | |
#58534 LOGOS | 2.9 | |
VENUS | 3.39 | |
#119976 | 2002 VR130 | 3.5 |
#145486 | 2005 UJ438 | 3.8 |
#10370 HYLONOME | 1995 DW2 | 4.1 |
#60558 ECHECLUS | 2000 EC98 | 4.3 |
#88269 | 2001 KF77 | 4.4 |
#31824 ELATUS | 1999 UG5 | 5.2 |
Pylenor | 1994 TA | 5.4 |
#181867 | 1999 CV118 | 5.5 |
#54520 | 2000 PJ30 | 5.7 |
#60621 | 2000 FE8 | 5.9 |
#29981 | 1999 TD10 | 6 |
#60608 | 2000 EE173 | 6 |
#134210 | 2005 PQ21 | 6.5 |
#87555 | 2000 QB243 | 6.8 |
#121725 | 1999 XX143 | 6.8 |
2060 CHIRON | 1977 UB | 6.9 |
MERCURY | 7.01 | |
#143707 | 2003 UY117 | 7.5 |
#26375 | 1999 DE9 | 7.6 |
#50000 QUAOAR | 8 | |
#49036 PELION | 1998 QM107 | 9.3 |
#69988 | 1998 WA31 | 9.4 |
#1 CERES | 10.59 | |
#136204 | 2003 WL7 | 11.2 |
#183964 | 2004 DJ71 | 11.3 |
#90377 SEDNA | 2003 VB12 | 11.9 |
#160427 | 2005 RL43 | 12.2 |
#63252 | 2001 BL41 | 12.5 |
#52975 CYLLARUS | 1998 TF35 | 12.6 |
#148975 | 2001 XA255 | 12.6 |
#82155 | 2001 FZ173 | 12.7 |
#38083 RHADAMANTHUS | 12.7 | |
#83982 CRANTOR | 2002 GO9 | 12.8 |
#119068 | 2001 KC77 | 12.9 |
#38084 | 1999 HB12 | 13.2 |
#55576 AMYCUS | 2002 GB10 | 13.3 |
#26181 | 1996 GQ21 | 13.4 |
#95625 | 2002 GX32 | 14 |
#33128 | 1998 BU48 | 14.3 |
#135571 | 2002 GG32 | 14.7 |
#95626 | 2002 GZ32 | 15 |
#160148 | 2001 KV76 | 15.3 |
#184212 | 2004 PB112 | 15.4 |
#38628 HUYA | 15.5 | |
#7066 NESSUS | 1993 HA2 | 15.6 |
#52872 OKYRHOE | 1998 SG35 | 15.7 |
#119878 | 2002 CY224 | 15.8 |
#126619 | 2002 CX154 | 16 |
#145474 | 2005 SA278 | 16.3 |
#73480 | 2002 PN34 | 16.6 |
#182397 | 2001 QW297 | 17 |
PLUTO | 17.14 | |
#181874 | 1999 HW11 | 17.2 |
#20000 VARUNA | 17.2 | |
#119315 | 2001 SQ73 | 17.4 |
#8405 ASBOLUS | 1995 GO | 17.6 |
#79978 | 1999 CC158 | 18.8 |
#28978 IXION | 19.6 | |
#60458 | 2000 CM114 | 19.7 |
#120061 | 2003 CO1 | 19.7 |
#82075 | 2000 YW134 | 19.8 |
#182223 | 2000 YC2 | 19.9 |
#87269 | 2000 OO67 | 20.1 |
#136120 | 2003 LG7 | 20.1 |
#32532 THEREUS | 2001 PT13 | 20.3 |
#90482 ORCUS | 20.6 | |
#54598 BIENOR | 2000 QC243 | 20.7 |
#65489 CETO | 2003 FX128 | 22.3 |
#148209 | 2000 CR105 | 22.8 |
#118702 | 2000 OM67 | 23.3 |
#10199 CHARIKLO | 1997 CU26 | 23.4 |
#229762 | 2007 UK126 | 23.4 |
#15874 | 1996 TL66 | 24 |
#5145 PHOLUS | 1992 AD | 24.7 |
#91554 | 1999 RZ215 | 25.5 |
#181902 | 1999 RD215 | 25.9 |
#145480 | 2005 TB190 | 26.4 |
#136108 HAUMEA | 28.19 | |
#145451 | 2005 RM43 | 28.8 |
#136472 MAKEMAKE | 28.96 | |
#225088 | 2007 OR10 | 30.7 |
#82158 | 2001 FP185 | 30.8 |
#187661 | 2007 JG43 | 33.1 |
#149560 | 2003 QZ91 | 34.8 |
#84522 | 2002 TC302 | 35 |
#12929 | 1999 TZ1 | 43.5 |
#12929 | 1999 TZ1 | 43.5 |
#136199 ERIS | 2003 UB313 | 43.9 |
#5335 DAMOCLES | 61.9 | |
#127546 | 2002 XU93 | 78 |
HALLEY'S COMET | 162.3 |
ECCENTRICITY: (e) is a number which measures how elliptical orbits are. If e=0, the orbit is a circle. Venus, the planet of peace and harmony, has the least eccentric, most circular orbit of any of these bodies. Pluto, ruling death and transformation, is the most eccentric of the planets, but there are many bodies with even greater eccentricity. Could eccentricity relate to change? To going outside of the familiar? If so, it would explain why Chiron's orbit is so eccentric. Imagine what this might mean for one of the most eccentric bodies discovered so far, Sedna!
VENUS | 0.007 | |
NEPTUNE | 0.01 | |
EARTH | 0.017 | |
#88611 TEHARONHIAWAKO | 0.027 | |
#50000 QUAOAR | 0.039 | |
#12929 | 1999 TZ1 | 0.04 |
#160427 | 2005 RL43 | 0.046 |
URANUS | 0.046 | |
JUPITER | 0.048 | |
SATURN | 0.056 | |
#20000 VARUNA | 0.056 | |
#15760 | 15760 Albion (1992 QB1) | 0.065 |
#1 CERES | 0.08 | |
#66652 BORASISI | 0.093 | |
MARS | 0.093 | |
#58534 LOGOS | 0.12 | |
#49036 PELION | 1998 QM107 | 0.138 |
#38083 RHADAMANTHUS | 0.152 | |
#136472 MAKEMAKE | 0.159 | |
#10199 CHARIKLO | 1997 CU26 | 0.171 |
#119315 | 2001 SQ73 | 0.177 |
#136108 HAUMEA | 0.189 | |
#32532 THEREUS | 2001 PT13 | 0.198 |
#54598 BIENOR | 2000 QC243 | 0.199 |
MERCURY | 0.206 | |
#95626 | 2002 GZ32 | 0.22 |
#90482 ORCUS | 0.227 | |
#182397 | 2001 QW297 | 0.236 |
#48639 | 1995 TL8 | 0.241 |
#88269 | 2001 KF77 | 0.241 |
#28978 IXION | 0.242 | |
#182933 | 2002 GZ31 | 0.243 |
#10370 HYLONOME | 1995 DW2 | 0.246 |
PLUTO | 0.248 | |
#181874 | 1999 HW11 | 0.255 |
#136204 | 2003 WL7 | 0.259 |
#79978 | 1999 CC158 | 0.274 |
#38628 HUYA | 0.277 | |
#83982 CRANTOR | 2002 GO9 | 0.277 |
#42301 | 2001 UR163 | 0.286 |
#181867 | 1999 CV118 | 0.287 |
#82075 | 2000 YW134 | 0.287 |
#84522 | 2002 TC302 | 0.293 |
#63252 | 2001 BL41 | 0.295 |
Pylenor | 1994 TA | 0.303 |
#52872 OKYRHOE | 1998 SG35 | 0.306 |
#131696 | 2001 XT254 | 0.319 |
#119878 | 2002 CY224 | 0.343 |
#135571 | 2002 GG32 | 0.354 |
#119068 | 2001 KC77 | 0.36 |
#95625 | 2002 GX32 | 0.377 |
#183964 | 2004 DJ71 | 0.379 |
2060 CHIRON | 1977 UB | 0.379 |
#52975 CYLLARUS | 1998 TF35 | 0.38 |
#31824 ELATUS | 1999 UG5 | 0.384 |
#33128 | 1998 BU48 | 0.384 |
#119976 | 2002 VR130 | 0.386 |
#182223 | 2000 YC2 | 0.387 |
#55576 AMYCUS | 2002 GB10 | 0.393 |
#145480 | 2005 TB190 | 0.397 |
#60621 | 2000 FE8 | 0.4 |
#134210 | 2005 PQ21 | 0.401 |
#60458 | 2000 CM114 | 0.401 |
#187661 | 2007 JG43 | 0.406 |
#26375 | 1999 DE9 | 0.415 |
#38084 | 1999 HB12 | 0.415 |
#143707 | 2003 UY117 | 0.42 |
#69988 | 1998 WA31 | 0.43 |
#136199 ERIS | 2003 UB313 | 0.434 |
#44594 | 1999 OX3 | 0.457 |
#60558 ECHECLUS | 2000 EC98 | 0.458 |
#126619 | 2002 CX154 | 0.464 |
#121725 | 1999 XX143 | 0.465 |
#120061 | 2003 CO1 | 0.474 |
#136120 | 2003 LG7 | 0.48 |
#149560 | 2003 QZ91 | 0.48 |
#229762 | 2007 UK126 | 0.488 |
#225088 | 2007 OR10 | 0.5 |
#160148 | 2001 KV76 | 0.509 |
#7066 NESSUS | 1993 HA2 | 0.518 |
#145486 | 2005 UJ438 | 0.53 |
#42355 TYPHON | 2002 CR46 | 0.534 |
#60608 | 2000 EE173 | 0.539 |
#87555 | 2000 QB243 | 0.565 |
#5145 PHOLUS | 1992 AD | 0.572 |
#73480 | 2002 PN34 | 0.573 |
#15874 | 1996 TL66 | 0.583 |
#26181 | 1996 GQ21 | 0.588 |
#118702 | 2000 OM67 | 0.608 |
#145451 | 2005 RM43 | 0.616 |
#82155 | 2001 FZ173 | 0.618 |
#8405 ASBOLUS | 1995 GO | 0.621 |
#53311 DEUCALION | 0.63 | |
#145474 | 2005 SA278 | 0.643 |
#184212 | 2004 PB112 | 0.679 |
#148975 | 2001 XA255 | 0.68 |
#127546 | 2002 XU93 | 0.684 |
#181902 | 1999 RD215 | 0.699 |
#91554 | 1999 RZ215 | 0.702 |
#54520 | 2000 PJ30 | 0.77 |
#148209 | 2000 CR105 | 0.799 |
#65489 CETO | 2003 FX128 | 0.822 |
#82158 | 2001 FP185 | 0.84 |
#90377 SEDNA | 2003 VB12 | 0.853 |
#5335 DAMOCLES | 0.87 | |
#29981 | 1999 TD10 | 0.875 |
HALLEY'S COMET | 0.967 | |
#87269 | 2000 OO67 | 0.968 |
ORBITAL PERIOD: As astrologers, we are used to discovering meanings in recurring cycles. Saturn returns, for example, are a staple in the astrologer's toolbox. Do Centaurs with orbits of similar length have similar properties? Do Aphidas (121725), Asbolus (8405) and Halley's Comet have a connection, since the length of one orbit is approximately the same?
BODY | ORBIT (in Years) |
MARS (P) | 1.88 |
JUPITER (P) | 11.86 |
2000 GM137 | 21.9 |
Okyrhoe (52872) | 24.3 |
SATURN (P) | 29.46 |
#63252 (2001 BL41) | 30.5 |
2003 KQ20 | 34.3 |
Thereus (32532) | 34.6 |
Echeclus (60558) | 35.3 |
Elatus (31824) | 40.4 |
DAMOCLES (M) | 40.71 |
2003 UA118* | 41 |
#250112 (2002 KY14) | 45.4 |
2004 CJ39 | 46.7 |
Chiron (2060) | 50.5 |
1996 AR20 | 59.2 |
Chariklo (10199) | 63.2 |
2001 XZ255 | 63.8 |
2002 TK301 | 64.6 |
Bienor (54598) | 66.8 |
1994 TA (Pylenor) | 68.4 |
1999 JV127 | 68.4 |
2003 LH7 | 69.90 |
#119315 (2001 SQ73) | 72.7 |
2002 VG131 | 73.1 |
Halley's Comet (T) | 76 |
Aphidas (121725) | 76.1 |
Asbolus (8405) | 76.2 |
2003 UW292 | 77.1 |
2002 QX47 | 82.3 |
2003 QD112 | 82.4 |
URANUS (P) | 84.01 |
Crantor (83982) | 86.3 |
2000 SN331 | 87.09 |
Pelion (49036) | 89.2 |
Pholus (5145) | 92.3 |
2002 CA249 | 94.3 |
2003 CO1 | 95.9 |
2003 QP112 | 97.1 |
1999 HD12 | 98.5 |
2003 UY292 | 102 |
2003 QC112 | 104 |
2002 DH5 | 104 |
2000 CO104 | 110 |
2002 VR130 | 111 |
#95626 (2002 GZ32) | 112 |
1995 SN55 | 114 |
2000 FZ53 | 117 |
1996 RX33 | 117 |
Nessus (7066) | 121 |
2003 QN112 | 126 |
Hylonome (10370) | 127 |
Amycus (55576) | 127 |
2002 PQ152 | 130 |
2003 WL7 | 133 |
Cyllarus (52975) | 133 |
#88269 (2001 KF77) | 134 |
2002 CB249 | 152 |
2002 FY36 | 156 |
NEPTUNE (P) | 164.8 |
2001 XA255 | 166 |
#73480 (2002 PN34) | 171 |
#44594 (1999 OX3) | 182 |
#33128 (1998 BU48) | 193 |
#87555 (2000 QB243) | 207 |
1996 AS20 | 214 |
#42355 (2002 CR46) | 237 |
Ixion (28978) (T) | 240 |
Rhadamanthus (38083)(T) | 246 |
Orcus (90482) (T) | 247 |
PLUTO (P) | 247.7 |
Huya (38628) (T) | 251 |
Varuna (20000) (T) | 282 |
19308 (1996 TO66) (T) | 284 |
Quaoar (5000) (T) | 285.68 |
15760 Albion (1992 QB1) (T) | 289 |
Deucalion (53311) (T) | 296 |
Chaos (19521) (T) | 308 |
2003 UB313 (T) | 560 |
15874 (1996 TL66) (T) | 753 |
#29981 (1999 TD10) (T) | 927 |
Sedna (90377) (T) | 10,822 |
ABSOLUTE MAGNITUDES:It is very difficult to verify the actual size of the Centaurs, and other bodies far from us. One method to get a very rough estimate utilizes something called Absolute Magnitude. This is the amount of visual magnitude an observer would record if the body were placed 1 Astronomical Unit (AU) away, and 1 AU from the Sun and at a zero phase angle. (In other words, just how bright would the body be to you if it were 1 AU from the Sun AND so was that body.) (The absolute magnitude, combined with something called Albedo (The ratio of the light reflected by a body to the light received by it) can be used to give a quite accurate estimate of a body's diameter. However, albedo's for Centaurs are very difficult to arrive at.)
In any event, this is one measure of a Centaur's brightness. Do Asbolus, Thereus and Crantor have anything in common because their Absolute Magnitudes are almost identical?
2003 UB313 | -1.1 |
Pluto | -1.0 |
Sedna | 1.7 |
Orcus | 2.3 |
Quaoar | 2.6 |
Ixion | 3.2 |
Varuna | 3.7 |
#19308 (1996 TO66) | 4.5 |
Huya | 4.7 |
Chaos | 4.9 |
#15874 (1996 TL66) | 5.4 |
1995 SN55 | 6.0 |
Chariklo (10199) | 6.4 |
Chiron (2060) | 6.5 |
Deucalion | 6.6 |
Rhad | 6.7 |
#44594 (1999 OX3) | 6.8 |
#95626 (2002 GZ32) | 6.8 |
Pholus (5145) | 7.0 |
#33128 (1998 BU48) | 7.2 |
#42355 (2002 CR46) | 7.2 |
15760 Albion (1992 QB1) | 7.2 |
Bienor (54598) | 7.6 |
Amycus (55576) | 7.8 |
Hylonome (10370) | 8.0 |
#73480 (2002 PN34) | 8.2 |
#87555 (2000 QB243) | 8.2 |
2002 FY36 | 8.4 |
2003 UW292 | 8.4 |
Aphidas (121725) | 8.5 |
2002 PQ152 | 8.6 |
2002 QX47 | 8.6 |
2003 QC112 | 8.7 |
2003 CO1 | 9.0 |
2003 WL7 | 9.0 |
Asbolus (8405) | 9.0 |
Thereus (32532) | 9.0 |
Crantor (83982) | 9.1 |
1996 AS20 | 9.3 |
1996 RX33 | 9.3 |
Cyllarus (52975) | 9.3 |
Echeclus (60558) | 9.5 |
#88269 (2001 KF77) | 9.5 |
Nessus (7066) | 9.6 |
#119315 (2001 SQ73) | 9.7 |
2002 CB249 | 9.8 |
#250112 (2002 KY14) | 9.9 |
2000 CO104 | 10.1 |
Elatus (31824) | 10.1 |
2002 DH5 | 10.2 |
2003 UY292 | 10.2 |
1999 JV127 | 10.4 |
Pelion (49036) | 10.4 |
2003 QD112 | 10.7 |
2003 UA118 | 10.8 |
2000 SN331 | 10.9 |
2002 VR130 | 10.9 |
2001 XZ255 | 11.1 |
2001 XA255 | 11.2 |
2002 VG131 | 11.2 |
Okyrhoe (52872) | 11.3 |
2000 FZ53 | 11.4 |
1994 TA (Pylenor) | 11.5 |
#63252 (2001 BL41) | 11.7 |
2002 CA249 | 12.0 |
2003 LH7 | 12.5 |
2003 QP112 | 12.7 |
1999 HD12 | 12.8 |
2003 QN112* | 12.9 |
2003 KQ20 | 13.1 |
2002 TK301 | 13.4 |
1996 AR20 | 14.0 |
2004 CJ39 | 14.0 |
2000 GM137 | 14.3 |
SUN SIGN AT DISCOVERY: The charts for the discovery of a planet have proven quite revealing. The Sun, being the most important part of any chart, tells us a lot about the focus of the newly found body. What does it tell us that 9 Centaurs were discovered with the Sun in Aquarius, the sign Pluto was in when discovered? And is #44594 (1999 OX3) unique in some way because it was the only one discovered when the Sun was in Cancer?
BODY | SUN SIGN at Discovery |
2000 GM137 | Aries |
#95626 (2002 GZ32) | Aries |
2000 FZ53 | Aries |
Amycus (55576) | Aries |
Asbolus (8405) | Aries |
1999 HD12 | Aries |
Crantor (83982) | Aries |
Rhadamanthus (38083)(T) | Aries |
Deucalion (53311) (T) | Aries |
DAMOCLES (M) | Taurus |
Nessus (7066) | Taurus |
1999 JV127 | Taurus |
2003 KQ20 | Gemini |
#88269 (2001 KF77) | Gemini |
#250112 (2002 KY14) | Gemini |
2003 LH7 | Gemini |
Quaoar (5000) (T) | Gemini |
Ixion (28978) (T) | Gemini |
#44594 (1999 OX3) | Cancer |
Pelion (49036) | Leo |
#73480 (2002 PN34) | Leo |
2002 PQ152 | Leo |
Thereus (32532) | Leo |
2002 QX47 | Virgo |
2003 QD112 | Virgo |
1996 RX33 | Virgo |
Bienor (54598) | Virgo |
2003 QN112 | Virgo |
2003 QC112 | Virgo |
2003 QP112 | Virgo |
1995 SN55 | Virgo |
#87555 (2000 QB243) | Virgo |
Okyrhoe (52872) | Virgo |
#119315 (2001 SQ73) | Virgo |
15760 Albion (1992 QB1) (T) | Virgo |
2002 TK301 | Libra |
Cyllarus (52975) | Libra |
1994 TA (Pylenor) | Libra |
2000 SN331 | Libra |
19308 (1996 TO66) (T) | Libra |
15874 (1996 TL66) (T) | Libra |
NEPTUNE (P) | Libra |
2003 WL7 | Scorpio |
2003 UW292 | Scorpio |
Chiron (2060) | Scorpio |
Elatus (31824) | Scorpio |
2003 UA118* | Scorpio |
2003 UY292 | Scorpio |
2002 VR130 | Scorpio |
2002 VG131 | Scorpio |
Sedna (90377) (T) | Scorpio |
Chaos (19521) (T) | Scorpio |
Aphidas (121725) | Sagittarius |
2001 XA255 | Sagittarius |
2001 XZ255 | Sagittarius |
Varuna (20000) (T) | Sagittarius |
1996 AS20 | Capricorn |
1996 AR20 | Capricorn |
Pholus (5145) | Capricorn |
2003 UB313 (T) | Capricorn |
2000 CO104 | Aquarius |
#42355 (2002 CR46) | Aquarius |
2002 CB249 | Aquarius |
#33128 (1998 BU48) | Aquarius |
2003 CO1 | Aquarius |
#63252 (2001 BL41) | Aquarius |
2002 CA249 | Aquarius |
2004 CJ39 | Aquarius |
Chariklo (10199) | Aquarius |
Orcus (90482) (T) | Aquarius |
PLUTO (P) | Aquarius |
Hylonome (10370) | Pisces |
2002 FY36 | Pisces |
Echeclus (60558) | Pisces |
#29981 (1999 TD10) (T) | Pisces |
Huya (38628) (T) | Pisces |
2002 DH5 | Pisces |
URANUS (P) | Pisces |
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